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English designed with Direct Method (2022) & DL PRO


With the new edition of the ‘English designed with Direct Method 2022’ coursebook (launched in April/May 2022), students will have access to all the content of the online support on the DL PRO website:

  • the full online coursebook with recordings and translations
  • additional online exercises (including an online adaptation of the grammar lessons from the printed books)
  • MP3 files.

Students can activate this by typing the coupon from the printed book or their school can buy them access to the online support directly in the software.



DL PRO offers many attractive functionalities (https://www.dlpro.eu), but above all, it provides access to the online version of DLL coursebooks, tests and exams, as well as online exercises (from 2022).

With the new edition, we are transferring the online exercises to the DL PRO platform. The aim is to build a place that connects all services in a transparent manner, so that our students and teachers can use them more easily after logging into one website.

The placement test as well as a set of exams for ‘English designed with Direct Method 2022’ can also be found on DL PRO.



1. The access to the online coursebooks:
– students can use their coursebook online on a PC or a smartphone,
– they can play the recording of each word, explanation, question and answer.

2. Online exercises for the new edition will be available only in DL PRO. They will be:
– exercises reflecting the communication and grammar sections of printed books, so that the online coursebook fully corresponds to the printed version of the book,
– additional exercises, available only online.

(Online exercises for other coursebooks, currently available at the DL HUB platform, will be moved to DL PRO by the end of 2022. Then the website DL HUB https://dlhub.eu will be closed.)

3. Students are able to download MP3 files with the recording of their coursebook (words, explanations, questions and answers).



In order to use DL PRO and allow your students to access the additional services for the coursebook, it will be necessary to purchase access to the paid DL PRO service. Of course, schools that have already purchased the service do not incur any additional license fees. The minimum fee for using the service will be 15 EUR per month.

Schools will receive access to selected administrative functionalities (more details at https://www.dlpro.eu), as well as to all types of online exercises for their students.
Students who already have a printed book will be able to activate the online coursebook, mp3 files and the online exercises free of charge.

In addition, as part of DL PRO, schools will also be able to activate the online coursebook as a subscription for 1 EUR monthly (for 1 book for 1 student) for those students who do not have a printed book. This is a very convenient option for schools that teach online and want to avoid the hassle of sending printed books to their students.

Please note that DL PRO also offers an inexpensive and convenient teacher’s books library.



All you have to do is let us know that you would like to start using DL PRO and we will help by providing:

  • presentations, training courses and implementation assistance,
  • assistance in transferring your your students’ and teachers’ data to DL PRO.



The coursebooks are also available in the DLL Ebook app, but students will now have to purchase access to them within the app.

Please note that the code from the printed book allows the student to access the online coursebook on DL PRO that can be used conveniently both on a PC and on a smartphone.

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